Friday, March 13, 2009

An Update from the Mama

Well, as ya'll have noticed most of the recent posts have been from the Daddy. The Mama was standing by Ollie's "crib," singing lullabies and songs, and stroking his little hands and feet. But after dinner, my legs and feet were ready for a little break!

The closest I've been to tears today is when we came back from dinner. Oliver had just gotten a dose of morphine before I walked into the room. He's was resting and looking so angelic. I began to rub that chubby little hand of his again and told him how much I loved him and how proud I was of him. He opened those big blue eyes and from behind that big ol' bipap mask he smiled his big ol' toothless grin. He smiled so big that his eyes were smiling too. I am constantly amazed at how sweet he can be. And how forgiving as well.

We could all learn a lot from that baby boy.


  1. I'm so glad that Ollie is doing well. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you guys constantly and to let us know if you need anything.

  2. We're very happy to know that Ollie is doing so well! And that mom and dad are doing well, too. :-) Thanks very much for doing the updates.
