Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Busy Day


I am trying to process all that has happened today and my brain and body are just so tired. I'll attempt to give you a quick run down now and a more detailed post tomorrow.

Oliver is still doing fabulously well. His incision is healing nicely and his Bard button is doing well. He is now receiving formula via g-tube. Every three hours they increase the amount by 10mL and decrease his IV by 1mL. He was seen by a speech therapist and occupational therapist today. He took 2 ounces of thickened Pedialyte and about 4 spoonfuls of peaches. Oliver was ecstatic to be eating with his mouth again! Everything looked good so we'll be doing a swallow study tomorrow afternoon. And hopefully - cross your fingers - we'll be able to go home sometime after the swallow study.

While Ollie was in the PICU, they swabbed his nose to check for the presence of MRSA. Today we found out that his swab was positive. Now don't freak out on me. It's not that big of a deal. But it does mean that all visitors including doctors and nurses have to put on a disposable gown and gloves.

I'll post more later. Right now I've got to get to bed and get some rest.

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