Saturday, March 14, 2009

Three Cheers!

We are SO pleased with Ollie's progress. He had two chest x-rays overnight and both look great. He was weaned off of the bipap around 10-ish this morning. Once bipap was off, his pacifier went in! He was such a happy fellow to have his paci back. =) He's also been getting g-tube feedings since about 9am. Right now it's being done pretty slowly - just 5mL per hour. But it's still a big step.

Oliver has kept his oxygen saturations up since getting off of the bipap. If he keeps progressing this well, he'll likely get a regular room sometime this afternoon. Yay!

We've been fortunate to have good doctors, respiratory therapists, nurses, etc. Our main nurses have been Amy and Melissa. They have done a great job looking after our Ollie and looking after us, too. They even pulled a reclining chair beside Ollie's bed so that I could snooze a bit during the night. I probably managed about 3 or 4 hours of sleep last night plus an hour "nap" in the cafeteria this morning. Yes, I said the cafeteria. During rounds, patients aren't allowed any visitors. So I headed to the cafeteria around 8am for breakfast. I found a booth to eat in and it was situated where I could lean against a wall, prop my legs and feet on the bench, rest my head on the seat back, and snooze. Do you think I might have been a wee bit tired?

I leave you with two Swedish proverbs that we have found to be quite true:
"Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow."
"Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief."
Thank you all so very much for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. That is fantastic news! Glad to hear that he is doing so well. :)

  2. Oh Bekka - Please get some rest and don't make yourself sick! I'm so happy Ollie is progressing so well.

  3. I'm so happy that things are going well. I love you guys and you have been in my thoughts,prayers and well wishes.

  4. Yea!! Ollie! I am glad to hear that things are going well! Yes, thank goodness for portable DVD players! I hope you get some rest! You are in my prayers and thoughts! God Bless You! Durenda
