Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We are home! Oliver was discharged last night around 6:30pm.

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!

It's funny how much I thought I missed my bed, but it was really my pillows and my sheets that I missed more!

We are soooooo happy to be home!


  1. HOORAY!!! There truly is no place like home, especially for good sleep. We think of you guys often, pray for you often and really appreciate the updates.

  2. I know the swallow study news was hard to hear, but I also know all three of you are so amazingly strong -- not only making it through these times with grace, but using your experience to give back to the medical community and, in that way, to all future families who have to face SMA. You are an inspiration! And I hope that home is full of many comforts!

  3. we're sorry to hear the swallow study results, but so glad you are are home and comfortable again. we're thinking a lot about you all and ollie's big smile. :-)

  4. What perfect timing.; as disappointing as I know the swallowing test was for you, it has got to be a great feeling to have the hospital expecience behind you and Ollie not have to miss a beat with his nutrition. May God continue to bless you with wisdom as He guides you through this special journey. We love you three and have a tear in our eye from time to time but your sharing is an inspiration. Your in our thoughts & prayers often. Grandpa & Grandma Milloway

  5. I'm so sorry - here is a cyber hug. Know that I am thinking of you!
