Sunday, March 15, 2009

Still Progressing Beautifully

Folks, it may seem as if we're trying to deny you posts. I assure you, though, that is not the case. Things are just rolling along so smoothly that there's not much to report. As Gary Gnu would say, "No gnews is good gnews."

Oliver is sleeping right now and I plan to join him very soon. I asked the nurse to give him a dose of Tylenol every four hours through the night so that he (and I) can rest well. Tomorrow we'll get back to Tylenol as needed.

Thank you again to each and every one of you for the prayers on Oliver's behalf. Please keep them coming and please add my father to them. I know my mom is disappointed that she's not here to help, but I also know she is the best person to care for my father.

Good night!


  1. How could we possibly complain about a lack of updates when virtually every update that comes bears more good news of Mastin Marvelousness! Just so very glad to hear it!!!! Hope you both got in some good sleep last night!

  2. I love how Erin knows exactly the right thing to say!
