Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Surgery has been scheduled...

I'm going to warn you now that this will likely be a bit of a rambling post. (Much like that last sentence...) It's been a long day. We were at Duke from 11:15am until around 2pm. I didn't sleep well last night. I'm tired. And I'm taking a pretty powerful antibiotic to knock out this residual crud in my lungs. Sorry.

So the pre-op appointment went well today. We came in armed with print outs and lots of questions (and statements, too, really). The anesthesia nurse practitioner met with us to go over any health issues as well as surgery and anesthesia issues. We gave her our print outs regarding special considerations for anesthesia with SMA babies and some SMA-specific pre-op and post-op nutrition guidelines. She also noted on Oliver's pre-op report several of our concerns regarding the "best" practices for extubation and the like. They should have a BiPAP machine and mask available for him to use following extubation.

And the date for his surgery is.....drumroll please....next Friday, March the 13th. (I've always like the rarity of Friday the 13th and how considered 13 my "lucky" number for some time now.) We won't know the actual time of the surgery until the night before when we call in to get it.

After the nurse practitioner, we met with a child life specialist. She went over every step of what to expect the day of the surgery: where to check-in, where the waiting room is located, who to ask if there are delays, where Oliver would go for anesthesia, what types of anesthesia might be used (gaseous vs. IV), where the operating room is located, who will be in the operating room during the surgery, where Oliver would go after the surgery. You name it, she covered it. Plus, she answered all of our questions: Can we stay with Oliver in the PICU? Where can we sleep? Is there somewhere to shower? What do we do about meals for us? How many visitors can Oliver have? Where will Oliver go after the PICU? She also physically showed us a G-tube and how it works. She told us suggestions that other families have made regarding this surgery and even what older kids who've had the procedure say about how it feels after the surgery.

I have to say I'm pretty at ease about this decision now. I feel as if we have thought about every possible angle - good, bad, ugly, indifferent. We've done a lot of research and spoken with several different families as well as medical professionals. Everyone at Duke seems to understand that we're the parents and, therefore, we're in charge.

There's one other thing that puts my mind (and stomach) a bit more at ease. Since Ollie is a special little boy with a special little condition, he'll get extra special attention. Cases like his don't happen very often so we'll have surgeons, anesthesiologists, doctors, residents, fellows and nurses observing his surgery. More eyes and ears to watch over him and look out for him in the operating room.

Neil and I have talked together about this before and we're glad that Ollie can help shape future doctors' minds and opinions about SMA.

That's all for now. It's time to get some rest. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Bekka and Neil- I am a friend of Amanda's and she shared news about Ollie. I wanted you to know that many many prayers are being said for little Ollie and for both of you. I work at Vanderbilt University and Duke is a peer institution of ours. As you well know, he is in good hands there. Ollie is a beautiful little boy and you are special parents. Blessings, Linda

  2. Bekka,

    You made such a difference in my life when I needed extra prayers and attention. Now it is my time to give those back to you and Neil and Ollie, so many prayers are coming your way from Nebraska (where you deposited them on account).

    Love, Martha Nielsen

  3. Bekka, You probably don't remember me, but I knew you when you were a little girl at Cornwell Drive church of Christ. I want you to know that there are a bunch of us here keeping you and Neil and Ollie in our prayers. Just looking at Ollie, it is apparant that he is full of life and personality. What a joy!

  4. Hey Bekka,

    I have this date down and i know many special prayers are going up for Ollie and will be on Friday 13th as well - Both you and Neil are such loving parents and so good with Oliver - he is such a blessing and loved so very much!!!Love you guys.
    "G" Aunt Cathy

  5. Bekka, I was going to leave you a comment recommending you to meet with a Child Life Specialist and am happy to see that you already have! They will be there every step of the way to help you, Neil and of course Oliver through this process! They will even have developmentally appropriate toys and music machines for Ollie while he is in the hospital! I'll be thinking of you guys next Friday!

  6. Bekka,
    I am from South Yukon Church of Christ and wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and your sweet baby.

    The Byrd family

  7. Ollie's smile lit me up! He was a very happy baby, thanks to his Awesome parents! We know that he is at peace and smiling on all of us as an angel. Telling his mommy and daddy not to worry about him he is fine and that he is always with you and that he loves you very much! God Bless you! Thank you Ollie for your beautiful smile! Durenda
