Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Silly Ollie!

Since Ollie's two bottom teeth broke through, he hasn't been sleeping as well. A couple of nights ago I rocked him for about an hour in the middle of the night. If I tried to get up to lay him in his crib, he'd scrunch up his brow and fuss at me.

Well, last night he slept much better. No middle of the night awakenings. However, at 6am, he decided he wanted to get out of the crib. He wasn't sleepy anymore. He was ready to be up and play. Mama, on the other hand, was not. (I have mentioned that I am not a morning person, right?)

So, Ollie and I headed to the guest bed. (Daddy needs his sleep so that he can go to work and earn money so that we can be denied Social Security and Medicaid.) Grandpa and Grandma sent Ollie a portable DVD player. Ollie watched Baby Einstein. And Mama got some much needed sleep.

Ah, technology...ya gotta love it!


  1. I am Mary Arnold's mom, to let you know we are praying for your sweet little one here in VA. May God give you and your family the strength you need to get through this time. Little Oliver is a cutie pie!!

  2. Hi Becky,
    Glad to hear you guys are home. I miss Ollie so much. I hope to come by and see him soon.
    Infant 1 teacher

  3. Hey Neil and Bekka. We are glad you are home from the hospital!!!!
    Can't wait to see Ollie's new teeth!! We want to get down to see you!! We are praying for you and please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!11

    Love you!!!!!!!!!!

    Robin G

  4. Just a note to say you remain in our thoughts and prayers. Ollie is a cutie and a very special little one. May you savor the many special happenings even when the journey becomes overwhelming at times, as I am sure it must.
    Love ya, Grandpa & Grandma Milloway

  5. Hello all! Sounds like you all have been so busy with everything- you are going to have to change the blog from toothless to "having teefers" i cannot believe Ollie is almost 8 months old - we will be keeping in touch - i've been checking in with Nana Pam and how all of you are doing - we are continuing our prayers for strength for you all!!! Love you guys. KISSES to Oliver!!!!
    Aunt Cathy

  6. You may have checked into this already, but have you checked on Medicaid coverage through what has been known as TEFRA Medicaid? It is not based on your income, but Ollie's. Sounds crazy, but that is how our daughter is covered. We have private insurance and she also has Medicaid and the Medicaid Waiver. It may be called Medically Needy in NC. They stopped calling it TEFRA here in SC. It is for kids like ours with special and life-threatening diagnosis. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions @ smoaksignal.com
