Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weight Gains, Head Ultrasounds and More

I'll go ahead and apologize now for this post in advance.  We're both pretty tired.  (It's amazing how traveling back and forth to the hospital wears on you.)  So tonight's update will be brief.
  • Daddy got to hold Isaak tonight!  We've got pictures, but they'll have to wait until tomorrow.  Isaak was so sweet though.  You could tell that he wasn't really able to focus, but he kept opening up his eyes to look up at his daddy.  Neil and I have now held both our son and daughter.  =)
  • Penny now weighs 710 grams.  Isaak weighs in at 810 grams.  Both are now above their birth weights of 650 grams and 780 grams, respectively.  A couple days ago they both hit their exact birth weight on the same day.  Could they already be showing us signs of their twin connection?
  • The amount of breast milk each is receiving is steadily increasing.  Isaak is getting about 8ml every 3 hours and Penny gets 7ml.  Assuming they continue to tolerate their feeds well, they will get a slight bump in the amount every 24 hours.  If all goes well, they'll be on solely breast milk by the end of next week.  (No more IV nutrition!)
  • Respiratory wise, Isaak is still the trouble maker.  He continues to have several apnea and bradycardia spells each day.  Most of the time he self-resolves or needs only mild stimulation to recover.  He has been taken off of the SiPAP and placed back on CPAP.  The nurses are trying to suction him more frequently since he seems to have more gunk in his nose and throat than his sister does.  Penelope has occasional "A's and B's" - as they say in medical parlance - but nearly all of hers are self-resolved.  Neil and I have tried to get her to talk with her brother about these things.  So far, though, she has refused to set him straight.
  • Despite several attempts, there is still no PICC line for Penny.  They may have to do just a plain ol' IV for her.  Her UVC in her umbilical cord is still in and still working well, but it will need to be taken out soon.  After 10 or so days, the risk of infection outweighs the benefits it provides.
  • One of the many things that preemies often experience is a bleed in the brain known as an intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH).  So last night both Penny and Isaak had a head ultrasound. Penny's showed a mild Grade 1, possibly Grade 2, IVH that was isolated to the right side of her brain.  Isaak had a Grade 1 IVH on both the left and right.  Short-term and long-term outcomes with Grade 1 or 2 are very good.  In fact, most doctors and nurse practitioners that we've spoken with say that there is nothing to be worried about.  To be on the safe side, a second head ultrasound will be done in about a week.  This is done just to monitor and track the size of the bleed.  (Who knows...full-term babies may also have mild IVH's, but they aren't screened for them.)

    Thank you all again for the many prayers said on our family's behalf.  We sincerely appreciate every one of them.

1 comment:

  1. PRayers will continue. I can't wait to see the little munchkins. It's been too long. Tell them that Nana and Papaw will be there tomorrow evening.

    Love to each of you,
