Friday, May 21, 2010

Surgery for Isaak

I'm sorry to have to remove the (Hopefully) from Bekka's post but it looks like little guy is headed to surgery very shortly.

This morning, the doctors were evaluating the likelihood that he is really experiencing NEC as the inflammation was neither progressing nor getting better. They began to consider that there might be a section of "malrotated" bowel or an obstruction that could be causing the backup and the inflammation. We had asked about this from the beginning but it wasn't considered highly likely because it's a very rare complication in preemies whereas NEC is much more so.

As a result of the new thought process, they conducted a dye test this afternoon and confirmed that there is some sort of stoppage in his intestines. To figure out what is going on, they will be doing exploratory surgery. We do not yet know if they will need to remove any portions of his intestines or just straighten things out. If they do remove a portion, depending on how extensive the damage is, they may have to place an ostomy for a few weeks and then perform a separate surgery to remove that and reconnect everything.

Surgery will probably take 2-3 hours. He's already headed down and I'm leaving work to head to Chapel Hill now. We'll have an update whenever we can.

P.S.: Penny is still a rock star. I went to see her at lunch and she was happy as a clam and they had reduced her oxygen level to 2.5l/m. Fantastic.


  1. Thanks Neil - sending thoughts of steady fingers for the surgeons and steady hearts for mom and dad.

  2. Praying for the surgeon to have wisdom and skill, that Isaak will come through with flying colors, and peace for you all as you wait. Not forgetting Penny, though - also praying that she continues to astound everyone with her progress.


  3. This is scary news indeed, but "hopefully" will lead to happier outcomes and much greater comfort for Isaak. He has marvelous examples of strength to follow - including his beautiful and amazing sister. Sending you love and hugs during these anxious times!

  4. Thinking of you all (even though you don't know me!)

  5. thinking of you...hope he is well soon.

  6. Hi,
    I am a friend of June's and she sent me an email about the babies. First off congrats. (I have boy/girl twins now 25 years) Secondly I have a grandaughter that was born April 12th and about 1 hour after birth she was transported to Brenner's in Winston Salem. She had surgery when she was 4 days old. (They did know before birth that this would happen)What happened was at the beginning of her small intestines right past where the liver,gall bladder and pancreas area the intestines were completely closed. There was like a missing section and then they started back. They had to go in and attach the two parts. The upper section was larger than the lower and this was also a concern. They put a feeding tube in her chest for her nutrition. They had to keep her stomach suctioned out until the surgical site healed. She did not eat for 11 days. To start feeding her they ran a tube through her nose and into her stomach. They started her off with 1cc. At each feeding they increased her amounts. Then after about a week they slowly started her off with small amounts (breast milk) by mouth. She of course was still getting nutrition from the feeding tube. About 3 days before she came home they capped off the feeding tube and it permanently came out the day she came home. She of course now eats like a pig. Jordan was breast feeding but she lost a few ounces so they want her to feed with a bottle. But the breast milk does tend to run straight through her so she is having to add formula with it. When you try to take the bottle out to burp her you have to pry it out of her mouth. She eats like a little pig. She also is having to take prevacid to keep acid down. He does not want her to get acid reflux. She goes to the doctor every week to be weighed. She went today and weighs 6lbs 15oz. At birth she was 5lbs 4oz and lost down to 4lbs 5oz. She has done great and so will little Isaak.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and the beautiful babies!
    Carol Haywood
