Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Many Thanks and an Update on our Little Troopers

So obviously this has been a crazy couple of weeks. I mean, it wasn't like it was normal before but Isaak's whirlwind transfer to UNC and sudden surgery have added a whole new element of insanity. Tomorrow marks one week since he was moved over there. Maintaining a presence at two hospitals, home and work has been...challenging. Bekka spent a couple of nights at the Ronald McDonald House and a couple with our friend Scott. I suspect both of us will be crashing his pad more than once as we try to split our time between our two beautiful babies. I spent the week working, visiting Penny and somehow squeezing trips to Chapel Hill into the equation.

So yeah. It's been nuts. We have some serious decisions to make as to where our babies should be and how we are going to manage all this. I'm sure it will become clear in due time.

After Ollie, we really had hoped to be the folks helping others rather than being helped. Never did we anticipate we'd be receiving kindness from so many, so soon. To everyone that has been helping out and checking in and just generally being useful: Thank You. From the bottoms of our hearts. Thanks Amanda M. for coordinating so many people and being the usual kind and caring person that you are. Thanks Amanda H. for coming down and helping us during this wacky week (love ya sis!). Many thanks for everyone trying to bring or provide meals - we have been here with such randomness that we've had to postpone many of them but I know we are going to need them and will enjoy them in the future. Finally, a big (40 gallon?) bag of gratitude for Lisa and Jenny for taming the lawn monster. Being away from home and getting 3 inches of rain had sorta turned the yard into a small pasture. Hopefully I can keep it under control now!

And now what you really tuned in for:

Penny continues to be a little rock star. She is doing well on Vapotherm and the nurses bump her oxygen up and down depending on how she is doing sat wise (and whether she is on her back or tummy - she really loves her tummy). She is tolerating feeds with no residuals and is now up to 17ml every 3 hours. Thanks to this eating regimen, she has managed to get up to 860g (1lb 14oz). She had been experiencing a bit of tachycardia this week so they decided to take her off caffeine to see how she responded. She responded by not only lowering her heart rate but by having almost no bradycardia episodes. It's pretty amazing for a 29 weeker to be off the juice, but she is.

Isaak continues to be a strong little fella. He has a long road ahead of him, but for now the doctors are astounded at how well he is doing recovering from the trauma of surgery. He really had been starting to turn a corner before the NEC set in and I think he just resumed that path afterwards. We won't have any idea on his long term prognosis for weeks yet, but in the short term he is a model patient. Of course, he is being fed exclusively intravenously right now, but has still managed to gain weight and is currently at 960g (2lb 2oz).

That's all for now. We'll have more updates this weekend and hopefully I'll have the time to get some new pictures up.


  1. Thanks again for the update. I continue to pray and continue to be awed by what God is doing. Hope to come north shortly to help Amanda and would love to be of help to you guys any way that I can. I will coordinate that with her. Love you all.

  2. Hi guys...

    We're now in Denali, Alaska getting ready to board our bus to Mt. McKinley (Mt. Denali to locals). The trip has been wonderful but we're also missing all of you and we can't wait to see our two precious grandchildren.

    Amanda, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for coming down to Neil and Bekka's and helping out in whatever way they need. Thanks also for being there on our has definitely given us some peace of mind. Thanks to your hubby Philip for encouraging you to come to Raleigh.

    Neil, Bekka, Isaak, Penny, Amanda and Philip, words can never express how much we love you guys and how proud we are of each of you. There's one thing Ollie, Isaak and Penny has done for our family and that's causing us to pull together and be willing to help each other in whatever way is needed. You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. The only thing that would make our trip even nicer, would be to have ALL of you here with us. We'll see you Monday morning!
    We love you....Mom and Dad (alias Nana & Papaw)

  3. We would also like to thank all of Neil and Bekka's friends and neighbors who have pitched in to help in whatever way they can. We're so very thankful to each of you.! Nana & Papaw

  4. So glad to hear P & I are showing their amazing Mastin resilience! And so impressed with the incredible resilience the two of you are showing in the face of such huge emotional stresses on top of the demands of work, travel and the physical separation of the two people you love most. Keep on fighting the good fight and showing your children just how it is done! Sending you much love!

  5. Wow, the weight gain for both is great news!!
