Monday, May 24, 2010

Penny's Moved and Isaak's Improved

Things are starting to look up for Isaak.  His respiratory status is improving hourly.  They keep weaning him slowly from the ventilator and hope to extubate him soon.  He'll go back to bubble CPAP.  His pain medication is also being weaned and that will likely help with extubation as many pain meds are respiratory depressants.  They put a new PICC line in so that he can get more dextrose to plump him up.  (Currently, he weighs in at 940g.)  And he's making lots of wet diapers - another good sign.  He's still receiving antibiotics and IV nutrition.

Neil visited Penelope on Sunday and her big news is that she's moved to an "intermediate" nursery since she is doing so well.  Her apnea and bradycardia episodes are minimal and largely all self-resolved.  She is still on Vapotherm and her rate was lowered from 3 liters to 2.5 liters.  Her weight is up to 780g (which is what Isaak weighed at birth).

That's all for now, but hopefully there will be more good news to come.  We still have a long road ahead of us.  There's a lot of uncertainty especially where Isaak is concerned.  So please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Dean and Irene NielsenMay 24, 2010 at 12:33 PM

    We keep you all in our prayers asking the Lord to sustain and encourage you. The news today is encouraging!!! Thank you Jesus for holding this family in Your BIG hands and breathing fresh life into those little lungs...oh how You love those babies. Blessings to all........

  2. Praise God. You don't know me, but I put the twins' names in my church's prayer list this week. I didn't think you'd mind extra strangers praying for them.

  3. I am so relieved to read some positive news. I have been keeping your little family in my thoughts and have been sending healing wishes, especially to Isaak. I will continue to follow and will look forward to a future post when everyone is home.

  4. So glad to hear that things are looking up. There's a long road ahead, but a little good news and hope makes the journey look so much more manageable. So proud of you and your amazing family of fighters!!!

  5. Uncle Tom and Aunt KathyMay 24, 2010 at 5:32 PM

    Great to hear the positive news about Isaak and Penny, too. I'm sure that Isaak is putting up a hard fight to get away from the Carolina Blue! We are thinking and praying with you guys every day.

  6. Every little piece of good news is a step in the right direction. Thank you both for keeping us updated. Lots of love to those who are movin' and improvin'! Keep up the great work!

  7. So glad to hear the good news!

  8. Our thoughts and prayeras continue to be with you as you so bravely but with realistic concern continue on this journey as parents to these special little ones. So glad to hear of Isaak's weaning off the ventilator and that he is still gaining weight even with all that he has had to experience this past week, if I calculate right his 940grams = 2lbs. And dear Penny just keeps trooping on, on a steady course of progress in her development, what a blessing. Thanks for the updates,it's encouraging to know how things are going - how to pray more specifically when concerns are acute and to rejoice with you in the victories which occur. Love, hugs & prayers for all four of you, MOM&POP Milloway

  9. I'm so thankful to come to your site and see all the progress your little ones are making. I will continue to pray for the health of both your little ones. Our family knows the fear that comes with NEC and other complications, but also know the miracle of healing those little guys can experience. It is truly mind boggling how such tiny little guys can overcome such incredible obstacles. Praying for a smooth NICU ride from here on out!

  10. stephanie and brettMay 26, 2010 at 11:11 PM

    hi neil and bekka--we're so glad to hear of some good progress for isaak and that penny is doing so well. we're thinking about you all every day. :-)
