Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Update

Yes, we know it's been 5 days since we last updated on our little guys. Let me tell you that overall that's been a good thing. Auntie Amanda was down last week helping us not go crazy and getting some things done in preparation for that so far away yet not too distant homecoming day (We already miss her. It was like old times). That left mommy and me to visit our babies and hold them and watch them grow. They have had a pretty good few days.

Health-wise, both are doing well. Isaak's recovery from surgery has been termed remarkable and they ended up cutting short his antibiotics and starting oral feeds on Friday (5/28), 3 days earlier than expected. He is up to 1041g (2lb 4oz) while Penelope might be up to 990g (they are a little suspicious of that number tonight so they will be weighing her again). Penny is getting 18ml of milk+HMF+Protein. Isaak seems to be tolerating his light feeds pretty well and is getting 1ml per hour on a continuous feed as they try to get his system restarted and monitor his outputs. He has to get up to 4+ lbs before they will attempt the repair surgery to reconnect his upper and lower intestines. The quicker this happens the better as it allows him to get less IV nutrition and reduces the chance for liver or kidney damage.

From a respiratory standpoint, Isaak may finally be outdoing his older (but smaller) sister. They are mixing and matching bubble CPAP and vapotherm with him. When he's on vapotherm, it's at 2 liter of flow with a room air mix. Penny is only on 1.5l of flow on vapotherm, but they can't seem to get her O2 mix down much below 28%. This happens sometimes with these little guys. Even at higher flow rates, she was wanting a similar level of oxygen.

I've put up new pictures. We have more than this on the other camera and I'm going to try to get some new pics of Penny tomorrow as the only ones I had available were a couple of weeks old. She looks so different now! You can see that Isaak is really a cutie and is growing in a head of soft, blond hair. It looks more than a little bit like his older brothers to be honest. That's a very bittersweet thing.


  1. So glad to hear that Isaak is recovering well, though not at all surprised that he is shocking them all with his fighting spirit! And delighted to hear Penny continues to do well! Your children are magnificent; clearly, they come from excellent stock! I know these times must be incredibly draining, but here's hoping the good news keeps coming and there are much easier times ahead!

  2. It was so wonderful to see Isaak and Penny yesterday. With our trip to Alaska, it had been 2 weeks since we had seen them and my, how they've changed. Neil's right about Isaak's blond hair, it's a lot like Ollie's but it's also a lot like his Daddy's. Penny is such a little petite thing, but don't let that fool you, she's very feisty!! It was so good to see Neil, Bekka, Amanda and Philip also. We all went out to lunch before Philip and Amanda headed back to Baltimore. Yes, it seemed like old times and yes, it was also bitter sweet. We're so proud of all four of our adult children and the individuals they've become.
    We love you, Nana & Papaw

  3. Great update & pictures, so glad to know things are moving along in the right direction for Penny & Isaak; and you proud parents aforded a little time to exhale and enjoy a time out with family. May God's Blessing of continued good news be your portion even as His Grace sustained you when things became more hectic. Not that hectic is past for you - with separation of your two fragile babies in different hospitals and 30 miles or so apart I'm sure life is not easy for you. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Looking forward to the day we can give you hugs in person but until than we're Sending Hugs to you along with our love, M0m&Pop Milloway

  4. They are beautiful!

  5. Issak looks so much bigger to me! Grow little one, grow!
