Monday, April 12, 2010

Good News and Scary News

It's been over 2 months since we have posted on Ollie's blog. We didn't intend for it to be that long, but life has been busy and we have been busy.

Boy howdy.

We are trying to make Ollie a big brother.

Some of you may have found out through Facebook or email or from friends and family but I know many did not. We'd always intended to use this wonderful place as a way to keep communicating with all the wonderful people that followed and prayed and helped that insane year of our lives. For one reason or another (mostly nervousness, I think), we never quite got the information up.

Before he passed away, we'd already begun discussing having more children (we'd hoped Ollie would get to see them, but knew that was sadly unikely). Last fall we begin meeting with the doctor's at Carolina Conceptions about conceiving children, hopefully unaffected by SMA. In the end, we decided to pursue In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).

As fate would will it, we wound up with two embryos that were indicated as unaffected and those were transferred to Bekka in November. Both implanted and she became pregnant with twins: A boy and a girl. We were overjoyed (ecstatic even!).  Being cautious types nowadays, we decided to keep news of this quiet until we were sure all was progressing well. An amniocentesis performed at the end of February confirmed that the babies were SMA carriers but otherwise unaffected.

That's the good (no, GREAT) news.

Now for the Scary News.

We'll be making regular blog updates for awhile because Bekka's in the hospital. Babies aren't supposed to arrive at 22 weeks but these little guys tried and we are trying to stop them mightily. I'll sum up what has occurred so far in the next post. If you have been following on Facebook, this will be the place to go (but I'm cross-posting so you should just be able to click over).

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