Monday, June 7, 2010

Penny and Isaak - June 6/7 Update

First off for the fun stuff...NEW PHOTOS!

Now to the updates:

Isaak is still at UNC and Penny is still at WakeMed. We will be continuing our discussions with the doctors and nurses at both hospitals to determine how to proceed from here. I think Bekka and I have decided after having the little monkeys in 2 locations for over 2 weeks, that it's time to get them to the same hospital lest we go insane. Now we just have to get all of the information we can and weigh the pros and cons to see where they wind up. This is not easy as there are medical, mental and practical issues all in the mix.

In terms of health, Penny is weighing in at 1080g and has been ramped up to 23ml every 3 hours on her feeds. She is continuing to do well on the Vapotherm at a flow rate of 1.5 lpm with an O2 concentration around 30-32%. They'd like to get her concentration down to room air (21%) but she's not quite able to do that yet. It may very well be due to her low hematocrit level. They considered a transfusion, but she is beginning to make her own red blood cells and so they have decided to try a round of Erythropoietin or "Epo". This drug helps promote the survival of red blood cells and so they hope it allows her bone marrow to catch up with her needs. (It was also famously used in cycling doping cases). The treatment course is 10 days long during which they will also be giving increased iron supplements. If all goes well, this will help her over the hump, after which she will be making enough of her own red blood cells. She has also been a little edemic over the last couple of days, so they have given her a dose of Lasix to help her get rid of fluid. This is not uncommon when the babies are getting O2 and are experiencing low red blood cell counts. Both of them have received doses of Lasix at varying times, especially post transfusion. There are many causes for edema in micro-preemies and no one is worried just yet.

Isaak is hanging in there. He is still being fed orally, if slowly. It appears they may have ramped up his feeds a little too fast at the end of the week, and he began "dumping" lightly processed milk out of his ostomy. They backed the rate down and he appears to be adapting well and is beginning to process the breast milk better. They have resumed increasing the volume, but will proceed more slowly. He weighed in this evening at 1152 grams. That's a good number, but we have to remember that they would really like for him to get as close as possible to 2kg before doing the ostomy repair surgery. It's not a hard and fast rule, but it can really help recovery. You will note that little sister is rapidly making up that 130g difference at birth! From a respiratory standpoint, he's doing very well and is now strictly on heated and humidified air (Vapotherm that they aren't calling Vapotherm) from a nasal cannula getting 2 lpm of flow at room air concentrations. No more head-squishing CPAP for the time being!

So all in all we are doing OK. The babies continue to sleep and grow and we continue to love them a little bit more every day.


  1. Thank you so much for the update - we have so been thinking of you guys and hoping that no news means status quo. We just wish status quo were easier - having your two little people in two different places has got to be unimaginably exhausting. Any decision you make will be a good one - what they need more than anything is their parents love and care, and you have to look after yourselves as well to be able to provide that for them. We're keeping you four amazing Mastins in our hearts and prayers!

  2. Look so forward to your updates. Glad things are going as well as they are. Hope that bro and sis can soon be in the same location and that can give mom and dad a small break. God bless the four of you and know that our continued thoughts and prayers are with all of you, including grandparents.

    George and Brenda McSwain

  3. So glad to hear everything is staying stable and just wanted to send a quick note wishing the best for you all - praying you will soon have Penny & Isaak back together real soon. Keep the updates coming many are asking about you all and expressing much concern. Love ya,

  4. We really appreciate everyone taking the time to read and post on the blog. Each word of encouragement means a lot. And Erin, thanks for posting while you still can, as I know from experience you are about to not have a lot of time to do anything ;)

  5. Love the pics! They are really changing and growing. And to think that Isaak's tiny little head will one day be the size of Neil's big noggin! We're keeping you in our thoughts. I hope you are able to get them re-united soon and remove that one stress among so many.

  6. The babies look amazing! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  7. Thanks for the update, it's great of you to find the time as busy as you are to keep us informed. Penny & Isaak look great and the news of their continued weight gain and stable progression through all of their many challenges is wonderful. You all four continue to be in our prayers and most especially as you have hard decisions to make. I hope and prayer that you can soon have the two little ones back in the same location. Sending Hugs&Love to all of you, Mom & Pop Milloway

  8. Wow, they are both growing so much! They seem so much bigger. Yea! Thanks for the update!
