Monday, June 21, 2010

Growing, growing, growing!

They keep on growing!  As of tonight, Penny weighs 1680 grams (that's 3 lbs, 11 oz) and Isaak is 1460 grams (3 lbs, 3 oz).  Little Miss Penny is now a half pound bigger than her brother!   

Penny's practice breastfeeding has been going very well.  She's been a very noisy eater since she is trying to latch on and suckle with a feeding tube in her mouth.  I've affectionately named her "Piglette" because of the slurping!  To help her become a more effective eater her nurse removed her orogastric tube and replaced it with a nasogastric tube this evening.  We'll find out tomorrow if she will keep Piglette as her new nickname.

Both babies are on 2 liters of flow on their vapotherm.  Isaak is usually at room air (21 percent oxygen).  Penny varies from 23 to 28 percent oxygen.  She was just bumped to 2 liters today in hopes that they could wean the amount of oxygen she needs and it seems to be working so far.

Isaak was on the Elecare for less than 24 hours as his output was much higher on the formula than on breast milk.  Since he's been switched back to breast milk, his output has been anywhere from 9 to 13ml every 4 hours.  That's still a little higher than they would like for it to be but it's much better than the 23ml of output he had with the formula.

That's all for now. Hopefully we'll get some new pictures up in the next few days.


  1. Sweet baby boy Isaak is loyal to his mama, and all the hard work she has been through to make sure he has that nice mama milk.

  2. How wonderful to keep hearing of the twins progress and overcoming of the many challenges along the way. I was just wondering how soon is it expected that they will be able to make the red bloods cells they need? That will be a great step and I am sure will improve the over all picture of things with them. Love you four and you continue to be in our thoughts & prayers as I know it is a challenge for all of you just to keep the schedule necessary to keep up with your two precious ones. Love, Mom & Pop Milloway

  3. It was so good to see you the other day! I just caught up on the most recent updates, I didn't know you were famous, I hate I missed your WRAL debut! I wish you and the twins the very best! They are beautiful. I'll be in touch as I await my maternity leave. Take care. ~ Vicki Wood
