Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Isaak Had a Contact Lens

Yes. Had.

He's lost it already.


We don't know. It's even possible the thing is still in his eye and we just can't find it.

Why does he have one, you ask?

His left eye is now aphakic, that is, missing the lens. You may recall it was removed during the retina surgery in December 2010. The only way to reasonably correct aphakia is via an intraocular lens replacement or by wearing a specially designed contact. Isaak is too young for a new lens due to his still growing eye and an increased risk of scar tissue. So they gave him an extended wear (7 day) contact.

And he lost it.

Before 24 hours were even up.

He had it when he went to bed, but it was gone this morning. We guess he just rubbed his eye randomly and popped it out. We looked in the bed, in the blankets, in diapers and on the floor all around. Did he eat it? Did he throw it out of the crib somehow? Or, it it really still in the eye somewhere? His eye isn't tearing and he doesn't seem to be rubbing it a lot but does seem kind of cranky and clingy today, according to Mom.

Did I mention these things cost $260 a pop. For ONE contact lens.

Clearly he will need to be trained.

Outside of the saga of the contact lens, his followup yesterday was very good. The main reason for his visit was to make sure the pressure was acceptable in the left eye after being off Azopt for 36 hours. It was in excess of 40 just 3 weeks ago. Yesterday, it was 9 (under 20 is normal).

Penny also had a 6 month checkup and here eyes look fantastic. No need for an exam under anesthesia for her. The only issue she has to track is very very mild veiling at the outer edges of her retinas. Leftover artifacts from the RoP. She'll be seen in a year. Way to go little girl.


  1. WOW. this does not bode well for your future.

  2. Found it. Now just a question of can we still use it...
