Saturday, April 9, 2011

Isaak Eyes and Frustrating G-Tube Stomas

Little guy went to Duke Eye Center on Friday for an exam under anesthesia (EUA), and the news was better than expected. I'm not sure we've been able to utter that phrase in relation to Isaak's vision in quite awhile. We were very worried about the possiblity of glaucoma surgery due to elevated eye pressure at his last checkup. After 3 weeks of drops, his pressures were well into the normal range, so no surgery was necessary. We keep him off the drops this weekend, and they will re-measure on Monday to see if he needs them or not.

In other good news, the retinal fold is beginning to flatten and the macula is actually moving back towards the appropriate location. Now, this doesn't mean that lost vision will be returning, but it does mean that the danger of additional vision loss has abated (somewhat, for now). Scar tissue is still present, but doesn't appear to be expanding. This is important as the scarring is what caused much of the tension on the retina and created the fold.

There are small fatty deposits on the retina, called exudates, that are likely a result of the massive hemorrhage Isaak experienced last July and continued bleeding afterward. This hemorrhage was the proximal cause of many of his vision complications and the advanced RoP. Nothing that isn't experimental and potentially damaging can be done about them, so we'll just be hoping they don't grow any more.

He goes in Monday for a followup to the exam and to be fitted for his contact lens. If you recall, the surgeons were forced to remove the lens from his left eye to carry out the retina surgery. This contact will help the eye regain some it's ability to focus.

His right still looks perfect. Thank goodness for small gifts.

Penny (yes, she is still around ;) Also has a date with Duke on Monday. It's been a few months since she had her last eye exam, and we want to make sure nothing untoward has occurred since then. If her eyes still look great, she'll just be on a yearly exam schedule.

Isaak will have another EUA in late summer and may very well have one annually for a while.

In news of a more frustrating nature, Isaak's g-tube site has remained stubbornly open. We've been dealing with a leaking, hissing tummy for two weeks now. For some reason, UNC did not schedule an OR date in case the stoma did not close and so it will be Thursday before Isaak finally has the procedure to do so. 3-4 outfit changes per day plus innumerable quantities of pads, gauze, tape and protectant ointment have been consumed and quite a bit more will be prior to Thursday.

We only hope there hasn't been tissue damage around the site from stomach contents leaking out.

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