Thursday, April 14, 2011

If you are reading this, it is way too early in the morning...

...and Isaak is on his way to get his stoma closed. Finally.

His surgery is scheduled for ~7am and Bekka and Isaak are supposed to be at UNC by 6:30. Our wonderful, fantastic, incredible, (for)giving friend Cathy is baby sitting Penny, as I have a work engagement. Unbeknownst to Cathy until this afternoon, I have to be at work at 7am. Which means she has to be here by 6:30. Normally, 8am suffices, but not today.

Thank you! Your diet Cokes have chilled overnight in the fridge.

As to the actual procedure, we are ecstatic this is finally happening. As excited as we were by the incredible symbol of Isaak's improving health having his g-tube removal was - we would rather that sucker had stayed in. 2 1/2 weeks of constant gauze/maxi/tape/duoderm to no apparent effect on his stoma site has been frustrating and worrisome. A couple of quick stitches tomorrow should make this a fading memory and will be one more step towards a "normal" life for a special little boy and his worn-out parents.

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