Monday, July 20, 2009

Spa Day for Ollie

Ollie is SO spoiled! He's had CPT several times which he thinks is a massage. He's had a bath and a lotion treatment. His hair has been styled. I'm afraid he'll ask for a manicure next! (Thank you to our wonderful nurses from Bayada for keeping him content while simultaneously improving his lung health. We truly appreciate all that you do!)

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  1. There would be a number of people lined up fighting over who gets to give him a manicure if he wanted one!!! Instead we send to the three of you all the love and prayers that we can.

  2. oh i just love to see this little guy, he is always so content,and just melts my heart. I will continue to pray for him.

    I will continue to ask God to continue blessing you all as each day is a new day that the Lord blesses us with. I pray for a speedy recovery for mommy as well.

  3. he is like a mini metrosexual in the best of ways :)
