Tuesday, August 10, 2010

There is a reason for cautious optimism in our posts! Also: Warning, poop ahead!

So, the day *after* the big update regarding Isaak and all his good news, he decides to have the predicted setback in his feeding progress. When we were visiting on Sunday, he had a little spit up (completely new event) and also a big poopy diaper that was much looser than they had been. (Sorry, poop is the topic of conversation of lots of baby parents, but especially ours ;)

On Monday, he had an even bigger diaper that was definitely too liquid. Lab analysis indicated that he was not processing carbohydrates well at all. This is where you have to step back, retrench and re-evaluate.

The docs immediately dropped his oral feeds down to 10ml/hr (from 16). He will resume TPN (grrr) this evening to make up for the missing calories (he was on dextrose and electrolytes overnight). We hate to see the resumption of TPN, but it's critical he get the calories to continue growing and developing in other ways right now.

The good news? He hasn't pooped since yesterday evening and this probably means the drop in volume really has helped him slow down his food transit time. Sometime in the next couple of days, they will run labs on his stool again  to make sure everything is OK and he is processing well. Also, his electrolytes and glucose still looked good. If a baby is truly "dumping", those usually get out of whack really fast. It's great that he's still able to get a fairly substantial amount of enteral feeds as that is so so important to intestinal development and growth.

Over the next few days, they will begin increasing his feeds again and we'll see how far he gets this time. I suspect things will go a little bit slower and more cautiously. We absolutely want to maximize the amount of enteral feeding he gets so we can minimize TPN, but we also have to keep him growing and developing. There is a good chance they will also begin increasing the percentage of his feeds that are based on an elemental formula (say 50/50 formula and breast milk) as those are often more readily absorbed.

That's it for now.


  1. He really likes to keep us guessing doesn't he?! Sweet little boy. Thanks for the update Neil.

  2. Hi, time for an update PLEASE :) we assume no news is good news, not to mention that you guys have to be so busy that you have no time BUT... we are still checking and waiting.
